1 3/4ib lamb off the bone
4fl oz weak meat stock
4oz cream
2oz cashew kernels
4 green cardamom pods
3 onions
2 cloves garlic
2 cloves
1/2 stick cinnamon
2dsp butter
2dsp oil
1tsp coriander powder
1tsp cumin powder
1 pinch cayenne pepper
a few saffron stigmas
Wash the lamb under cold water,dab dry,remove fat and sinews and cut into strips.Chop the cashew kernels coarsely with a large knife.Crush the cardamom pods slightly with a heavy knife.Peel and finely dice the onions.Peel and crush the garlic.Heat the butter and oil in a large pan,fry the cardamom,cloves,cinnamon stick,coriander,cumin and cayennepepper in it for approx 1 minute.Add the lamb with onions and garlic and fry briefly over a high heat.Ladle off 1-2dsp of the stock,dissolve the saffron in it and add to the pan.Pour on the remaining stock.Add the cashew kernels.Put the lid on the pan and cook for approx 40 minutes over a low heat.Stir in the cream,season with salt.Cover the pan again and simmer for another 30 minutes.The meat should be tender at the end.Season and serve.
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